Money, status, luxury, sex – The reasons why older wealthy men have noncommittal dates with younger women and vice versa are undoubtedly tempting. But modern Western European society condemns those relationships mostly as immoral and unethical. We spoke to a classic sugardaddy and asked him about the most controversial issues all of us were eager to know.

You call yourself a sugardaddy. How do you personally define this term?
Sugardaddy: I would say, a sugardaddy is a single man from his late forties upwards who owns a certain volume of wealth. Instead of committing to a permanent relationship or marriage, with all their unpleasant disadvantages, he cherry-picks all the good things of a non-binding relationship with a woman: youth, beauty, great and frequent sex, positivity and activity. The sugarbabe enjoys his experience and spends his money (chuckling).
What is your personal story? How did you become a sugardaddy?
Sugardaddy: I am in my mid sixties and three years ago, I got divorced after a 35-year-marriage. I swore to myself that from now on, I am going to enjoy myself and live the life I want to without a single concern for what society or other people might think of me. I am lucky to be the manager of an international organisation, meaning I don’t have to worry about money. That makes it a lot easier to fulfil some long-held dreams and desires. I knew that I am not willing to commit to a permanent and binding relationship with a woman of my age anymore. I was always tempted by the thought to go out with beautiful younger ladies. Travel with them, have sex with them, share some good times with them before I go home alone where no one asks anything of me. So this is what I did, I started to visit dedicated online dating pages where I met younger women. I went out with quiet a few until I met my current sugarbabe in real life, on a company celebration. At the moment, I am seeing no one else but her, twice or three times a week and on holidays.
Sounds like you are making the rules. How does your “relationship” with your sugarbabe look like?
Sugardaddy: Indeed. Since I pay for everything we do and for all her needs she has to play by my rules. Obviously, she is not my slave. She volunteers to live by my rules and is free to say or go whenever she starts feeling uncomfortable. However, my rules are clear and simple: no more than two to three dates a week, no kissing or holding hands in public, no calls or visits when we didn’t agree to meet, only a certain amount of money per month, sexual interactions are a given. She knows and accepts that. In return, she gets to eat at the best restaurants in town, accompanies me on luxury holidays, benefits from my life experience and social network, disposes of a certain amount of money each month to buy whatever she pleases and gets the opportunity to boost her career or academic education.