Young women from all classes of society seem to follow an ongoing trend just as much as politicians, actors and global players of all kinds: they date considerably older men with money. We tried to find out their reasons and looked for the most common motives to date rich and mature men.

The most obvious reason is, without a doubt, the financial attraction. Older men with money offer material and financial carelessness and enable young women to lead the life they always dreamt of. They show them a lifestyle they never even dared to imagine, buy them the most expensive and nicest things, take them to countries they would have never been able to visit, and introduce them to important people.
A relationship with an older rich gentleman doesn’t only open up financial possibilities but can also lead to professional and career opportunities, a younger woman would otherwise never get.
But there’s more to it than meets the eye. Connections between so called sugarbabes and sugardaddies are based on more than only material and superficial reasons. Young beautiful women date older men because they want to feel protected and guarded. An older man with money gives a young lady the feeling of being looked after and cared for, financially as well as emotionally. Many younger women look for a shoulder to lean on and a strong hand who guides them. They want to look up to their partner and take their advice. Things a young man is hardly ever able to give.
In addition, younger women appreciate everything rich older men achieved in their lives. They completed their education, established a career, accumulated a certain wealth and often don’t expect less from life than the best.
Rich older men have everything one can possibly dream of – everything except youth. Youth is the only thing a rich gentleman can’t buy. And that is exactly what they are looking to compensate with dating a young beautiful sugarbabe. This gives the younger woman the feeling, that she can enrich the older men’s life, that she can give something back.
This means that the older man feels younger and the younger woman feels taken seriously. He has someone to make him feel young again and she has someone to admire and to turn to in any aspect of her life.
Older men with money are down-to-earth and know how to treat a woman. Compared to younger men, they have a lot of experience with women and offer women more security and protection. Something, every woman is looking for in a man.
The only disadvantage that might arise at some point, is the desire to start a family. Because of the more or less big age difference it might happen, that she wants children. He, on the other hand, might already have one or more children without the desire of wanting another one.
Apart from this, a relationship between a younger woman and a rich older gentleman is a natural and nourishing liaison and not always based on superficial values like sex and money, as some critics may assume.